Monday 27 February 2012


My work is featuring in the exhibition: 
'Any Questions?'. 
10-16th March. Unit 7, Bridlesmith Walk, Nottingham, UK.

Very excited! The work I'm showing is a nine image, self-portrait piece called 'Fragments'. I hope you can come and see it, the exhibition also features the work of nineteen other talented photographers from all genres of photography, so there'll be something for everyone!

I won't be posting the whole nine images until after the show, so you'll have to come down in that week - but here's one of the nine just to give you an insight on what you'll be seeing.

'Fragments #5'
Model: Self

Sunday 5 February 2012

Self (Set #3)

In these photographs I've moved into more private images of self - displaying different sides of self.
I like the close cropping on these, I think it's something that I will explore more in this project.